Category Archives: school

i have to admit…

the other day I was looking at my myspace….and I was seeing numerous posts from my friends still living the college life…Posts about being finished with finals…about the sweet relief of being finished and being able to  be at home for a whole month! 

I realized at this moment….that I was jealous…I was jealous and I wished that I still went to school….

Now I thought I would be exstatic when I graduated and received my bachelors degree….I would no longer have to do homework, write papers, get up early to walk in the cold flagstaff morning to class….I thought it would be amazing.  I could be a grown up with only work to keep me busy.

Now I am realizing that school although stressful had a certain freedom about it.  You could do what you wanted when you wanted.  You could skip class.  You could have nap time inbetween class.  Your day was cut up into bits and pieces.  It was amazing.  The weekend could last forever when you had no friday classes! And late monday classes….I have come to realize I LOVE being a student and I miss those days.  Those days when class was cancelled.  When you did not have to deal with people.  You could just sit in class…listen or not listen….

I miss the days when I could decide last minute to take road trips and drink and drink and drink. 

I miss college….my old dear friend and enemy… win I never thought I could or would miss you. But I do.

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Filed under school